Composer Reel 2024

Trailer Reel

A desire for music. Music as you desire.

Recent and Upcoming Works

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Film Score

At the End of the Hall

Stalk The Owls wrote and performed the original score for the independent horror film, "At the End of the Hall".

Directed by Eric Albert Branstrom and released by Slithery-Dee Films.

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New Release

13 Songs of Halloween

OUT NOW! The original limited series is now available as a full album! The album is available through Bandcamp and all major streaming platforms.


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Studio Sessions

Artist: Jessica Dawn

For the new single "Radar" (2024), Jairo's role as recording engineer consisted of tracking vocals, editing audio and virtual instrument tracks, and writing and recording bass.


Darker Things

Edges of Tension

Synth by Design

Streaming Services


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Composer Series:

13 Songs of Halloween

This limited series began on Friday the 13th, setting a goal of writing, mixing, and mastering 13 songs to be released one song a day for 13 days ending on Halloween.


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Composer Series:

One Cue at a Time

This original Stalk The Owls video series showcases original compositions scored to thematic, concept videos.


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Composer Series:

Film Frame Frequency

This original Stalk The Owls video series showcases original compositions scored to a single frame from popular movies.



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Who I Am

Artist. Composer. Musician.

My name is Jairo Ruiz (pronounced hi-row). I'm a former bassist of many bands, a versatile audio and visual craftsman, and I create original music and sounds to augment any brand, film, or story.

How can I help with your project?

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Film Score

Original music for movies

Stalk The Owls creates original composition for films. Films scored by Stalk The Owls have been featured during Nashville film festivals 48 Hour Film Project and 54 Film Fest.

One More Date (2024)
At the End of the Hall (2024)
Christmas Cookies (2023)
Expressly Delivered (2023)
Determining Factors (2023)
Emily's Ashes (2022)

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Push Forward

Contests & Challenges

Occasionally, Jairo participates in contests & challenges presented by some of the world's top virtual instrument and sample library companies.

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In The Studio

Artist: Jessica Dawn

Credits: Recording engineer

Radar* (2024)
Elevator (2023)
Riot Heart (2023)
Anchor (2022)

*Played on bass

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Music Catalog

Stalk The Owls Publishing

A collection of music from all the Composer Series curated into playlists and searchable by keywords.